sarcasticsciencefictionwriter asked:

For the fandom ask game: 13, 17 James Watson, 20 Sanctuary, 24 John Druitt, please. 😊

Oh yes! Such great questions, thank you so much!!

13) What’s a character or ship you haven’t written/drawn yet but would like to some day?
Oh, many. You should see my ideas list for drawing – it’s long. There was a Star Trek prompt event and I got ideas, and the Year of the OTP event and I got ideas. So yes several for Star Trek (B’elanna/Seven, Kira/Dax, Owo/Detmer) and I really can’t forget Janeway and Amelia Earhart. I will be bitter forever at the missed opportunity not to have her join the crew. It seemed like such poor characterisation as well. Would Amelia Earhart really have turned down the opportunity to pilot a starship??

17) What’s a book, movie, or show you think James Watson would like?
I don’t think he would like crime/mystery media to be honest as either they don’t play fair, or the answer is so obvious and the characters so slow to get it, that it’s annoying. I think he’d probably check out the various Sherlock Holmes adaptations out of interest (and also to be guarded against any teasing), but I don’t think he’d exactly like them.

To be honest I can’t really see him watching much TV outside of documentaries. I think he might like movies a bit better as they are basically like plays. I think he might be interested to see examples of modern films out of interest for how they are made (hasn’t technology come so far type thing) but I don’t think the plot of most would grab him.

Books would definitely be his media of choice, and call him old-fashioned for that if you like. I don’t know why but I wonder if he might enjoy a good old archaeological thriller. You know hunting for lost treasure and definitely on the more ridiculous side. I think he might be more willing to put up with inaccuracies if it obviously isn’t taking itself too seriously (kinda like the Uncharted games).

The only actual title that springs to mind that I think he would actually like is The Princess Bride. Not sure why but I think he’d think it was clever and well done.

20) When did you first join Tumblr? How long was it between that and finding Sanctuary?
Around April/May 2016 I think? I’d been lurking (aka reading specific blogs but not signed up) for several months before that, sometime mid-2015 I think. Anyway, I finally got FOMO and wanted to join in.

I first started watching Sanctuary… I can tell you, let me scan the blog archives. I think I tried to find it August 2020, and watched a bit via YouTube as I wasn’t confident I would like it. I got the DVD in September and I think I was… mid season 3 (mid-October I blogged about having reached the Hollow Earth arc). You can tell my obsession really ramped up in October as clearly I did a deep dive for ALL the gifsets.

Amusingly one of my initial posts said that Tesla made a lousy friend (I’m laughing, boy did my opinion change) – hey! I never remember this stuff when I get asks about opinion changes. I remember my opinion now and rarely what came before.

Anyway I wrote my first novel length multi-chapter (Our Darkest Hour) that November before I finished the show. I actually stopped watching for the month in case the show messed with my outline, which it would have because Normandy jossed my Helen/James headcanon but oh well. It was kinda fun, a bit like capturing a fraction of the experience of if I had been creating when the show was originally live.

24) What’s your favourite thing about John Druitt?
I feel bad about this but the honest answer is his cursed nature. Without it, he’s still a compelling character (as I wrote purely in Choosing Fate) but that agony of what happened to him, and the trauma to those he loved/who loved him just grabbed me. It’s TRAGIC, and I like to fix things.

It’s the whole Winter Soldier “it wasn’t you” “but I still did it” type thing. Blame and judgement and guilt and darkness, and forgiveness, and how people can move on – it’s fascinating. I see discussions on it on tumblr sometimes about redemption for characters. How far is too far? Are there some things that are unforgivable? Does it depend on outside factors – like being cursed – to mitigate blame? People have opinions. This can get controversial and I don’t do conflict.

I remember Teal’c talking to Tomin on Stargate, saying that life didn’t have to end, that he could never be forgiven but he could still do good in the world. I think of Regina who willingly walked down the path, but was pushed and manipulated by others (and a lot of pain). When I have written Regina I’ve talked about people being more than what they have done, that people have the power to choose, and she chooses to do better.

With John it’s not really a choice (at least in my headcanon) while he’s a host to the parasite. However, once it’s removed – how can he move on? It wasn’t him, but it was still his hand on the blade. He remembers it being him. I think it would warp his sense of morals too, after a century even if he wasn’t a host anymore. Finding his sense of self, and his own moral code, would be a challenge.

Also his relationship with James. Coming of age in a world where it was punishable by death (or 10 years in prison and societal ruin). That too.