tinknevertalks asked:

Sanctuary + 9, and Helen Magnus + 8, please and thank you. 🙂

9) which characters I think should have interacted more in canon

James + everyone really. Honestly it was an absolute crime that he was only in five episodes. 5! Haha for The Five 🤣 sorry bad joke. Yeah I do know that for all my interest The Five weren’t the main characters. Alas poor Nigel you are around 80% headcanon.

To be more specific I wish we had seen more James + Henry and Ashley. I have obviously my interpretation/shippy headcanons for Helen and James’ relationship. So those are Helen’s kids and in a kinder world James would have been a father to them. Due to time travel nonsense (headcanon) he was more distant but I have to believe he would have still been part of their lives. Not to replace Biggie of course who had a huge loving role to them. Just I don’t know. Even if you don’t ship the OT3 (or James with either John or Helen separately) Ashley was still the only child of the Five, and all the history of John I just think there was so much there that could have been explored.

To be honest Ashley only being in one season (and why was that? I should google) meant that while she had some interaction with John everything was left unresolved, and there wasn’t much interaction with Nikola etc. It’s like the moment she really learned the truth of her existence she was ‘killed off’ (I headcanon she lives but we don’t see her on screen again).

8) a headcanon I have about this character

Ok let’s think what is canon, and what have I made-up and forgotten is made-up as I have repeated it too many times?

Was it ever officially confirmed Helen was on the Titanic or did we just get that from the opening credits? Because there is that.

I have my shippy headcanons (as I alluded to earlier) regarding why James didn’t move with Helen to Old City – the time travelling version of Helen didn’t have anyone else and he couldn’t be with two versions lest current!timeline Helen think he was cheating. There’s also how/when I think they all got together etc. Not sure that really counts as a Helen headcanon though.

Hmm I firmly believe time travel Helen saved both Ashley and James by ‘colouring between the lines’. So long as everything happened how she remembered it, who is to say it wasn’t always this way? (Time loop). I also believe very strongly that Helen and Nikola were working together the entire time in season 4 and that he was undercover kinda with SCIU.

I have written in a few times that I think Helen was given the source blood by an abnormal she helped.

I don’t know there’s probably more but it’s a bit like with “what’s your favourite quote?” question. As unless there is something utterly huge, I kinda need something more specific to prod the old memory to conjure it up.