When I can’t sleep and I am trying to tell myself a story to distract the brain demons my brain sometimes does weird things.

I mean at 2am I think you get a pass for random story crap right?

So last night I was musing about the synths and that wormhole to sentient killer robot land (which has to be out there somewhere in the galaxy) and my brain has sort of semi-permanently connected that to Stargate replicators. So I was like “ok replicators were contained in Ida. A big don’t ever fucking go there message was left with that 9 moon planet (or whatever it was) so the containment net stayed intact. Wormhole punching through that meant some escaped, jumping maybe to Othala or straight to the edge of the Milky Way? Idk. Replicators do what replicators do and there is a LOT of them bearing down on the Federation.”

That was the scenario. At 2am I was imagining the battle. Captain Seven was very heroic. In hindsight this was perhaps not the best story to imagine as I got quite into the dressing down speech she gave the Admiralty, who were repeating the mistakes of Romulus. Wringing their hands, bleating how someone should do something, just so long as someone wasn’t them. How she resigned and then in true Ranger style took what she needed to help (a ship) and she tried to get the crew to leave but they wouldn’t, as they would have followed her into hell (as indeed they did) and they became legends.

But anyway then I was like “remix time!” and wondered what if they lost the battle? What if a time traveler came back as part of a Hail Mary “today we are cancelling the apocalypse”. From how far into the future? Who managed to send them back? When did they arrive? Who is it?

At 2am I found it utterly hilarious to imagine it was Raffi’s great grandkid (mothers side), and B’elanna’s grandkid (fathers side). Very close to their Nana and Oma, the two ladies combined their genius to build the ship out of duct tape and prayers, and send it through the black hole Kelvin style to save the day. Idk whatever, they were smart. Said grandkid obviously is like “stop being idiots! Life is too short to be lonely” and so the ridiculous on and off again mess of Seven and Raffi settles down.

Then I made myself laugh so damn hard because I was just messing about (it was 2am, I wanted to sleep!) but I had the sudden thought that maybe this was how Matalas came up with the whole Jack Crusher Borg baby thing?

There is nothing wrong with crazy amusing shit at 2am. Whatever gets me through the insomnia you know? But hey at least I know it’s the kind of crap that only belongs at 2am. Cold light of day? Kill it with fire. Don’t make it into a multi-million dollar season for the whole world to… /cough ‘enjoy’? Well not so much 🤣