With the ‘moment’ regarding the Enterprise-D it made me think about what would be my favourite Trek ship.
I mean the Enterprise is classic. It’s the Enterprise. There’s a quote, did Bones say it? About how fate favours ships called Enterprise. The Enterprise is no doubt special and that goes for all versions of the ship.
There’s been what? Archers, Pike’s, Kirk’s, Picards (D and E). Also the Kelvin timeline lens flare one.
I confess when it comes to the Enterprise I am most fond of Pike’s. Yes I know that’s the latest one in SNW. I really like that show. Picard’s is probably second, but how does that rate with other ships?
There is Discovery. There is Voyager. If we count other types of ships there is La Sirena and the Defiant. I guess there is also the ProtoStar. I don’t watch Lower Decks.
My gut is saying my favourite ship is Voyager. It has more presence than La Sirena, is a character that Janeway had faith in just as Pike trusts the Enterprise will hold. As much as I love SNW there is only 10 episodes and Voyager has more stature.

I don’t know just musing on this Saturday night.