Is there a word for a person that when they like something they like it forever?

I mean there are seasons for things. Sometimes I am obsessed and all in, and then there are times it isn’t such a thing, but I never dislike it and I’ll go back to it repeatedly over the years. There can be gaps of years but I will still swing back around. It’s like it’s always part of me or something.

Just thinking thinky thoughts today as I am listening to Hamilton. That was such a huge thing and now not so much. The world moved on and I did not.

Me and my decade old fandoms. There has to be a word for that. Stickability or something. Flavour of the month? Not me.

tinknevertalks said:  Maybe a perennial like? Cause a perennial plant is something that lasts longer than two years, and how you mentioned a season for things is how I feel about my fandoms so yeah… Perennial would be my word for it. 😊

galactic-pirates said:  @tinknevertalks ooooh I like that thank you ❤️ good idea!