The subject of attics just came up on a discord I’m in. I’m quite proud of my family attic as I’m the only one that goes up there. It is perfectly tidy and organised. I don’t have to go into the attic to be able to tell anyone who wanted to know what’s up there and where they could find it.

Which made me think that actually I could probably do that with any space/stuff I call my own.

Which made me remember that within 24 hours of being moved into this house I had unpacked all of my stuff, to the extent that my DVDs were alphabetised just how I like them. Everything has a place where it lives and unless something is ‘in progress’ then everything is back where it lives by the end of the day.

Which made me realise that this is probably yet another example of me being weird.

I’d not really thought about it that deeply before beyond the acceptance that mum is very different. She still has a box or two she hasn’t unpacked and we’ve lived here 7 years. Her office looks like it’s been ransacked and she loses stuff all the time. We had to spend 20 mins the other week searching for her keys. She puts things down but never in the same place. I’m a creature of absolute habit and order and she is the opposite.

It drives me mad but I drew a mental line that her space is hers, so out of respect I don’t give into impulse to tidy it up and organise it. I don’t know how she can work like that but ok. Anyway my point is on a scale of normal to weird, then her disorder is probably far more normal than my exacting organisation. To be fair I should probably have realised this when I did the database of Lego parts to inventory the loose collection. I can find any part, you could name anything in the database and I know where it is. I didn’t think that was a big deal but anytime I tell people they are all ???

Anyway I don’t know. Excuse the rambling I’m just like “huh I’m weird in THIS way too ok then” as I’m weird in lots of ways but this too? I guess :/