
When I want to do stuff

buuuuut my brain says it has done enough stuff

buuuuut it’s only lunchtime and I have stuff still to do.

All I’m saying is the struggle is real.

Also how did it get to be Thursday? My to do list for this week is looking increasingly scary.

I’m just saying I’m trying to write my novel. In my mind I’m thinking that I need to start my other novel (the one I’m doing as a +Extra for the luddite challenge), and I want to plan the Bering and Wells fic I decided I’m writing next month.

Aaaaand my head is fairly screaming at me about the Raffi and Seven dancing drawing. If it takes me too long to do it, then the moment will be lost. I mean that was last week so the moment is kinda already lost but still I should get on that. If I’m doing it then I need to do it.

Which is making me think about the art course. I worked on that for an hour this morning buuuuuut there’s still so much left to go. And I found this other course I want to take but I promised myself to only do one at a time dammit. So progress? I don’t know you, you feel very far away.

Oh and of course my brain is reminding me of the PS5 game I want to finish this month because I really want to play something else (and I’m trying to finish games dammit so no starting anything new until it’s done!) and I have like 20 shows on my watchlist and can I please, pretty please, watch something to completion so there’s less on there. Oh and I signed up for the half-price deal on KU at the start of the week and haven’t read anything yet. Picked my book, but not sat down, so can I please do that!

No says my brain. My brain wants to build lego and rant a lot apparently.

I know what I want to achieve but I feel very far away from it. Honestly I could just go nap right now, that would be easier than that mountain. I got frustrated with myself for not doing exercise this week. Did exercise. Pulled something. My side is now synonymous with fire.

“Being better is so much harder” is all I’m saying. *so much screaming*