I just bought a book.
I haven’t done that in a while because I’m not the most diligent of readers (I want to read, I just don’t remember to make time for it). Also I’ve got a lot of freebie downloads from BookBub offers, plus access to some ebooks via the library. However, there was a particular book I wanted to read so I’m on the kindle page and I’m hesitating. I balked at paying full price for this book.
Not going to lie I then froze in realisation – I’m part of the problem. My dream is to one day indie publish. If nobody buys my books because they just want them for free/through the library, then I’m not going to get very far. I know why authors give away the first book in the series free – it’s to entice readers, you like the first one, you hopefully get hooked and buy the rest. However, I’ve fallen into the trap of just reading all the free books, and actually so has my mum, and I’m sure a lot of other people as well. Books have value and that value is being lost which is very sad.
So yeah something to think about.