Had another excursion for ‘gambling’ aka Lego Marvel minifigures.

No repeats this time. I got 2 more of the figures I wanted (Bucky & Scarlet Witch), and 2 more that I wasn’t bothered about (Loki & Sylvie).

So I’m still missing Monica Rambeau and White Vision. Technically there’s still Zombie!Cap and whatever that version of Gamora is but I’m not worried about those. In fact I actively don’t want the zombie one *shudder*.

Ultimately though I am 8/9 on unique minifigs which isn’t bad as things go. It’s a little disconcerting as I was wrong in my guess on 2 of them (so I’m just lucky that they weren’t duplicates). Hopefully when I go next week I’ll be lucky again and finally get the last 2.