Ok so I didn’t work on that gifset like I planned. Also didn’t do any art.

Buuuuut I did write the last oneshot for prompt month (finding/not finding Flynn) which is now called… and the Moment of Consequence.

I was legit going to do that gifset. I put on Star Wars: Rebels to watch a bit before dinner, intending to watch the rest during dinner, and went down to stick it in the oven. Then mum called and said her printer wasn’t working again. A very frustrating 90 minutes later (I ate one-handed at the desk) I had managed to make it work again (it was a network problem, not a printer problem) and my brain was just giving me so much mental pushback on ‘doing things’ that I opted out.

Instead I played a bit of Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey. I got so obsessed with that franchise last year I bought almost every game in the Steam Summer Sale. Of course me being me I promptly stopped playing about the same time my writing picked up, and I hadn’t touched any of them at all this year.

Last year I mostly played Origins and a little bit of Syndicate. I was worried I wouldn’t remember the buttons and be confused so at the weekend I booted Black Flag for the first time. It was ok though I didn’t seem to have much stealth and the menu for gearing etc. confuses me.

This evening as I said I booted Odyssey and aside from the camera misbehaving (Origins does that too) it was a much better experience IMO. My favourite thing to do is hide and assassinate. I still can’t aim a bow to save my life though. I remember I couldn’t do that in Origins either, that’s probably related to my camera problems. Not sure how to fix that :/

Tomorrow I have a metric ton of work to do for mum. I’ll try and get some words on Gentlemen of Blood. The next scene is them spying on Adam Worth at the Reform club and James clocking him as a murderer…