For anyone remembering my panicked rambles, I have settled the scriptwriting question – that is over!

Now I have a new problem.

Do I want to take a class on linguistics, about how language can be used, controlled, corrupted and change over time?
Do I want to take a class on gender and perspective in fiction?

Influenced by the choice above, so if I choose the linguistics class I can’t take early medieval history and vice versa.

Do I want to take a class on the history of the cold war?
Do I want to take a class on early medieval history covering over 800 years of various empires?


Honestly I do not know! The more I read the information, the more I want to just take everything but that’s not an option *snorts*

Just to bash the UK for a second to be honest this is the problem with our university system. Because we have to pick essentially I guess what we major in before we even start, we can’t then change our mind and take other classes. I mean I’m sure that all systems have their faults and it is likely to be a case of ‘grass is always greener’ and I’m just moaning because I don’t want to pick. I hate choosing!

Seriously though I would have taken the history course but I can’t do exams and a lot of mandatory classes have exams. Alternatively I might have taken American Studies but that has a mandatory year abroad and I hate leaving my house as it is. So I wound up on English Literature which doesn’t have either of those problems except for the fact that I much prefer the others.

Originally posted by allthereactions

This is literally me right now because I do not know the answer. They are equal in terms of how they are taught and what the assessments are like, the debate is purely on topic. Ahhhhhhhhh!