I had to run a couple of dungeons for the Pride of Kul Tiras questline so I was a ret pally and the mage in the group made one hell of a fuss as apparently we took the wrong door down to the basement. Now I have no clue really, I was just following the tank, but it just brought into sharp relief why I haven’t clicked to queue as tank this expansion.
In fact I barely clicked to queue as tank when I was playing during Legion, and I think I did it once when I got Warlords and my pally played so differently (lost abilities, changed stats, the ilevel squish, all in addition to the usual drop in power because we’re levelling again) that I was scared. I’d lost my selfhealing ability which had made me fall in love with tanking in the first place.
Simple fact is that I haven’t really tanked since Mists when I was the main raid tank for my guild. I think I said this in my last rambling post about Warcraft; that I once had a grasp on the game and now I’m just ??? no clue about it all.
Which brings me to my reason for this ramble – Siege of Boralus Mythic.
I have to complete it in order to finish the ‘A Nation United’ quest, get the achievement AND (from my perspective) fulfil the requirement for unlocking the Kul Tiran allied race. Logically I know I’m being dumb as I haven’t finished levelling my Void Elf Priest (and haven’t touched at all the Lightforged Pally, or Nightborne Mage I rolled). So it’s not like I need the Kul Tiran Druid anytime soon (I have a 110 Worgen Druid) but I just like the aesthetics – it looks cool!
BUT as a solo player, without a guild, without friends, and with crippling self-confidence issues – I’m never going to be able to find a group to complete this Mythic, which means I won’t be able to finish this quest until the next expansion when I can (hopefully!) go in and solo it (*insert grumble about Hellfire Citadel not being soloable*).
I guess this ramble is a slight rant because yes Warcraft is a MMO, it isn’t a single player game, but they brought in LFD and LFR so more players could experience all the areas of the game, it is lower difficulty, rewards are less but that’s fine with me! These days I’m just here for the story and to see all the cool stuff. They should have made Siege of Boralus have a heroic mode, and let us do the quest on that.
Anyway I’m going to shut up now. I need to do more Horde side but merlin help me if there’s some kind of Mythic requirement for unlocking the Zandalari allied race – I want my dino!druid and also they can be paladins – paladins! I mean sure I don’t need like a 5th paladin but they just look so cool!