
Hey, guys, a question here: what happens when you marry and take your husband’s name? What about your IDs, do you change them? What about the name on your university diploma, if you exhibit it at your place of work? What about credit cards, bank accounts and the like?

I just never thought about the legal aspects of it before, for some reason.

Edit: what about academic publications???

UK based here. My mum went through this when she got married last summer. Also I changed my name via deed poll when I was 18, different reason but same basic outcome. Name change = changing EVERYTHING. It is a complete nightmare, I was still finding stuff (non-important stuff but still stuff) I hadn’t changed a year later.

New driving licence, new passport. Had to contact the UK version of the DMV to change the car ownership, had to go to the bank. Get new cheque books, new credit cards. I don’t really know about certificates so much but I’m guessing they can be re-issued. Though when I applied to my current uni I sent in my old certificates with a copy of my deedpoll.

As with everything it’s a matter of sending either the marriage licence (or in my case the deed poll) as proof. Some places change it quickly … other places not so much.

Mum is still having issues with her credit card company and it’ll be a year in July. It is a complete pain! I did it once and I am never, ever, ever doing it again. Mum has done it 3x now and she must have the patience of a saint. I told her last year that she should have made her new husband change his name instead. a) we had the better name, b) it had to be someone elses turn for the paperwork nightmare but nope she’s a traditionalist 🙂