I am such an uncultured heathen.

This week on “why did Sam sign up to do literature?”

I dislike reading plays, I don’t like watching black and white movies (or indeed most movies made before I was born, some things age well but most don’t imo) and I’m really not a fan of discourse where it’s so flowery a sentence = a paragraph, I’ve read it three times and I still have no clue what it says.

I love stories, nothing on earth resonates the way a well-told story does or a well-crafted image whatever medium it’s in. There are poems that have taken my breath away, plays that have had me in stitches of laughter, movies which have made me sob, novels which have kept me up all night turning the pages, graphic novels which have made me think.

All of that, in all the things, and so much more! There are so many aspects of literature which stay with me – I love literature, I really do, honestly.

Just … this week is not my cup of tea I guess.