


Camp NaNo Diary – Day 5

Sorry for being noisy(or asking a ridiculous question) but what does nano mean? And good luck with your goal, looks like you’re almost half-way there.

All righty! 

NaNo is short for NaNoWriMo which in turn is short for National Novel Writing Month. The website is here: www.nanowrimo.org 

In short, the goal is to write a novel (or an amount of stuff equivalent to a novel, IE 50,000 words) in 30 days.

NaNoWriMo is actually in November, but there is also ‘Camp NaNoWriMo’ (www.campnanowrimo.org) which runs during Spring/Summer – this year it’s April. 

This is my first Camp NaNo, but so far as I can see it, it’s basically like a practice run for NaNo. You can set your own word count target (the NaNo word count target is automatically 50K, I just chose 50K for Camp NaNo but you can choose as many or few words as you like), and there are ‘Cabins’ of up to twenty fellow writers, which basically form a large message board where you can encourage your cabin mates and talk about writing. Or random facts about facial hair and ambulances, like in our cabin. @still-searching47 is modding up a rumbelle cabin this year. They’re a NaNo and Camp NaNo vet, so I’ll leave them to add in any more info!

I did NaNo in 2015 and 2016 but honestly I think that with the Cabin experience I’m enjoying Camp NaNo more than actual NaNo. 

which runs during Spring/Summer – this year it’s April.

Actually it runs in both April and July. It’s not a spring or summer thing. I’ll be seeing if any of you guys want to join in the fun in July for a cabin as well 🙂

This is my first Camp NaNo, but so far as I can see it, it’s basically like a practice run for NaNo.

It can be a practice run with options for a lower goal sure but it’s also more than that. They allow you to track time and pages, so you can write screenplays, or work on editing. I know someone who’s outlining/planning a new series. The flexi-goal system makes Camp a very different beast from the traditional 50k/30 days of the original November NaNo.

Personally I prefer Camp as well. I like the cabin system because it’s more community oriented. I also like being able to set my own goal because then the stats adjust accordingly so it’s easier to keep track of where I should be. I would thoroughly recommend NaNo to everyone. I wouldn’t be where I am today without it 🙂