purlturtle asked:

for the ship ask, since I didn’t go with them: B’elanna and Seven?

I have to be honest I hadn’t really thought about them too much until I saw some B7 posts. They interact so rarely 🙁

But the more I thought about them, and the more posts I read – I’m sorry I know I should link them but I’m not sure I reblogged them (I know, I’m mad at myself too) so they are long lost and tumblr search is garbage. Anyway, it just seemed to make sense.

They are outsiders – half Klingon, half Borg. Both struggle with that dual nature and that they don’t fit. For B’elanna she’s too human to be Klingon, but too Klingon to be human. I wonder sometimes how much of her famous “klingon temper” is performative, and more out of frustration than anything. One of the amazing metas I read talked about klingon courting, and how B’elanna was a poet (which is the role males take in klingon society).

As someone who has internalised a lot of societal bullshit, I feel like B’elanna doesn’t accept herself. It’s hard to say given when Voyager aired whether it was so heteronormative due to the time period, or if those attitudes do still have hold of parts of the Federation. Given how different B’elanna feels because of her heritage, I wonder if she didn’t do any sort of self-analysis, and pushed away anything that didn’t fit the very traditional mould, as she wants to be ‘normal’ (in her eyes) in one area. Hence clinging to her relationship with Tom even though it doesn’t seem to make her happy. Like she doesn’t think relationships should be happy.

Contrast this with Seven who as Borg I’d argue had no real concept of gender or sexuality – they were Borg and that’s all that mattered. But her guide to all things ‘human’ was the Doctor who was very cis hetero in what he pushed on her. I’d say she tried to adapt, thinking what the Doctor said was the way, only to learn later she had some stuff to unlearn. That the world wasn’t that rigid and she could make her own choices. That they weren’t wrong – that there is no wrong, only preference.

I would love to explore a concept of how B’elanna and Seven could have worked while still on Voyager. They definitely had their moments. I love how B’elanna respected Seven enough to be honest. There was that exchange where B’elanna told Seven she was rude but it was without judgement. Or when they talked about going back to Earth and B’elanna pointed out as a Marquis she wouldn’t be welcome either, aligning herself with Seven.

However, I feel that anything more than friendship with them is most likely to evolve post-return. We don’t know I think for sure (possibly novels covered it, but I don’t know how ‘canon’ they are?) what happened to B’elanna. I personally headcanon that she didn’t rejoin StarFleet but that Tom did. Instead B’elanna moved into some kind of R&D engineering because she is brilliant. At the same time we know that Seven started drifting and ended up with the Fenris Rangers. I feel like B’elanna and Tom’s marriage wouldn’t survive the long-distance, the pressure from Tom’s family, their different career goals etc. I think it’s possible they had a second “let’s stay together” child, and then realised they worked better as co-parents/friends.

Also I feel like B’elanna, away from Voyager, and faced with bringing up another part-klingon (or two), and as all good parents do wanting better for her kids, finally had the space and the inclination to do a little soul-searching. I think the Voyager crew maintained some sporadic contact. We know Harry gave Seven a model of Voyager. So B’elanna hearing Seven is in the sector and going “hey want to get drinks” is perfectly plausible. Not as a date, just as friends catching up, but then they talk (and drink) and they do have a lot in common. Going back to what I said at the start about not fitting in this world, not being any one thing, and so a foot in both camps and at home in none.

I can’t see them as a “happy ever after” type romance. I feel it would be more like “sometimes girlfriends” as everytime they are on the same ship/planet they’d hook up. Not serious, and not exclusive, but over time it becomes perhaps one of the more stable and long-term relationships that either of them ever have. They don’t live together, but if anything happens they know they can call, and the other will be there no questions asked.

So yeah I ship them.

So that Year of Hell art I just reblogged made me think. That is a huge deal for me as episodes go, and I think it made an impact on a lot of people. I would definitely at least class it as memorable…


The actual characters don’t remember it at all. How many other key moments just don’t exist to them? What does that do to our perspective of them vs their perspective of themselves/each other?

Thinky thoughts.

I have been very slow watching all of Trek. Partly because I am trying to watch like 6 shows all at once. Mostly because I have to have spoons to watch stuff I care about and they are limited so I am just slow.

Anyway! I’m still making my way through Voyager (season 5 now) and it’s been probably 2 years at least, more like 3 probably, maybe even more, since I watched season 2.

Can someone please explain to me why out of all the 100 episodes I have seen (and it is actually exactly 100) it is the Amelia Earhart episode that my mind dwells on? And returns to randomly to think about?

Like don’t get me wrong the episode with that suit was a whole thing, and the year of hell, yup. But my brain always returns to the 37’s. Why?


Because Janeway totally hooked up with Amelia Earhart

Well yeah…. I think the bitterness/injustice of how Amelia Earhart should have joined the crew. Because she loved to fly and explore. Why would she give that up to become a homesteader on an alien world?

She could have been an alternate pilot rather than Tom all the time. Dude has to sleep and it would have been a really cool perspective a) to have someone from earth history, b) essentially someone like us, a viewer new to space travel/science stuff. Sure we have previous Treks/genre conventions etc. but an innocence/enthusiasm could have combated the jaded/ehhh seen it before.

Like so much potential, so good, and yeah could have been a girlfriend for Janeway 😉 now knowing Janeway she probably would have been like “StarFleet or not, she is still crew and fraternising isn’t allowed” but Amelia pushed boundaries her whole life why would this be any different? Idk it just would have been good.

So yeah this is probably why my brain won’t let it rest 🙃

Ok so last night I watched DS9 – Through the Looking Glass, in which Sisko barely put up a token protest to sleeping with alternate!Dax. Then also kissed alternate!Kira. I was like 👀

Then I watched Voyager’s Timeless and Voyager was under the ice and I was like “whaaaaat?” and then Harry and Chakotay were walking around and I was like “they look older, do they look older? Are they older?” and I was just thinking “what happened? What happened?” and then the bodies started appearing, and then Chakotay was on the bridge. I went “is that Tom?” And then I said out loud “if you show me Janeway I am going to lose it” and then WHAT DID THEY DO!?!? And then compounded that with Seven, and then we are back on the Delta Flyer and my heart is ripped out of my chest, and all I can think about is Chakotay must have some real charm for that girlfriend to go all in like that. Like yes we’ll either die, go to prison for forever, or we’ll never have met. So totally unselfish of that woman. I want to know more about her. And as for Harry… 😢

Everytime I watch Voyager lately I am like “and where is B’elanna?” She’s just been background so many times 😦

I know the actress had a baby. Was that still into season 5? I don’t begrudge it if so because full support obviously. But still I miss B’elanna.

Ok so watching Voyager and I am CONFUSED!

Last episode was Extreme Risk. I followed that fine.

This one? It feels like I’ve dropped into the middle of the story. Like this is a part 3 at least. I mean I get the storytelling tactic of in medias res but wow.

I don’t know if I feel respected, like they trusted me as a viewer to work this out, or just confused.

It’s interesting that they have this “imposter” storyline with a different species other than changelings. When it started I was thinking changelings but that’s the gamma quadrant, and how they were in the delta and related to the dominion war I was going ??? So makes sense it’s not them I guess.

The CGI is so bad though 😂


Is that where that’s from or is that real? I’m dying hahahaha.

Random thought of the day.

Voyager. Early seasons The Doctor did a search for a name. Why did nobody say to him “hey you know there is a very famous hero known only as ‘The Doctor’. They carried a sonic screwdriver, you have a tricorder but otherwise…” 😂



s3 let’s go


ensign tuvok: [making coffee for his captain] 

janeway: you never brought me tea


tuvok: ever since I entered the academy, I’ve had to endure the egocentric nature of humanity. you believe that everyone in the galaxy should be like you, that we should all share your sense of humour and your human values. 

i mean… he’s not wrong tho. so far what I’ve seen on voyager, people like tuvok and seven are expected to behave and express emotions like the majority… it’s unsettling 

That’s always been one of the ‘darker’ sides to StarFleet and the federation that I wish had been explored more. Instead everytime they touch upon it they always backtrack to “oh but we are right so that’s ok” and no?

I mean if StarFleet was just human then fine but it’s so intertwined with the federation which is supposed to be a equal cooperative? Like a United Nations of the stars as I understand it.

Have we ever seen a non human Captain? Do the non humans on a ship ever out number a human crew? Are they always the minority? Like that can’t be an accident. The admirals and leaders of starfleet are usually mostly human. Sure some of it is probably out of universe money as they don’t have to do makeup for too many characters but still :/

As someone who hasn’t watched all of Voyager yet. I’ve always been very confused about the few offhand references I’ve read about Chakotay and Seven. I had always dismissed it as him being basically the “only available regular man” as Tom was with B’Elanna, Harry is presented as being the green/young kid and the Doctor is a hologram.

I’m starting to get the dawning horror realisation that there might be more to it. At this point in time what the ever living bleep?? Maybe it’ll make a teeny tiny amount of sense if I watch it but, where’s that gif I need? The Eve Baird “no, no nope” one because so much that.

So my dawning horror is correct and it was actually a thing? 🙀 

Ok well I may have to do a “so sad Voyager was cancelled after (whenever it was before it started)” “but there were seven seasons” “yeah no” lol.

I’ll watch the lot obviously but I’m comfortable with the “canon is a box of scraps” mentality and will freely ignore anything that well… just no. No.

I’m watching Voyager and I have stars in my eyes 🤩 😍

“It is puzzling. You made me into an individual. You encouraged me to stop thinking like a member of the collective, to cultivate my independence and my humanity but when I try to assert that independence I am punished.”

“Individuality has its limits. Especially on a starship where there is a command structure.”

“I believe that you are punishing me because I do not think the way that you do, because I am not becoming more like you. You claim to respect my individuality but in fact you are frightened by it.”

I don’t know that just really resonated with me

Bearing in mind this is my first watch through of Voyager. Janeway at the moment seems to view Seven as like a pet. She wants to use Seven’s skills and her knowledge, she wants to feel good about teaching Seven how to ‘human’. Like Seven is a walking example of what a good person Janeway is. But I’m not getting the sense at the moment that Janeway really sees Seven as that individual. It’s more like someone who can’t be trusted to make the right decisions for themselves so Janeway wants control. That could be a bad read. I know a lot of people ship them. Thus far I’m not getting that at all


Same, I never got a romantic vibe at all. I used to get maternal from Janeway and now I don’t even know anymore because it’s… complicated

Yeah I can see parental but in a bit of a self-serving kinda way. Like I’m sure Janeway cares. But Janeway isn’t the “I want what is right for you whatever that is” parent. She’s the “I want what I think is best for you as I know best” parent.

I just watched Prey so 4.16. Hence quoting from the end scene as that hit me hard. I think I saw myself in Seven’s words there about mixed messages and double standards and never quite understanding and always getting it wrong.