August Retrospective

I know I didn’t blog really last month, to be honest I didn’t really have anything to blog about. That will change when Once Upon a Time premieres on September 25th.

Although I nearly wrote a blogpost about Warcraft the other day. Legion has just launched and I was surprised at how completely I didn’t care. I thought I would feel a tug of nostalgia but I didn’t, which I guess means I’m completely over the game. If anything actually, I felt bad that I didn’t care. The game was a big part of my life for a few years, it’s still weird to just not care. I feel like I should but well it’s not the game I loved anymore.

Anyway, just a quick status post. I said at the end of my July retrospective what I was hoping to achieve in August – so did I complete my goal?

Yeah and then some. I finished the first draft of book two, which was the main goal. It’s run scarily short but I can fix that in revision – which I start today. All told last month I wrote 75k, my previous highest total for a month was 65k which I got in July. So I broke my record two months running.

My goal for September is to get as much revision done on book two as possible. Ideally I want it completed and sent to the editor by mid-october at the latest. Obviously, once the analysis/prep/planning part of the revision is over, there will be rewriting for the second draft. I also have other writing (fanfic) that I’m keeping busy with. So my word count goal for September is the same as last month – 50k.

I hope I exceed my goal again (that’s always fun) but if I don’t then it doesn’t matter. The main point is the revision and that will require as many words as it requires, no more or less. It’s less about words, more about getting it right at this stage. Hopefully all will go well, I love being productive and getting stuff done. Here’s to a good month!